Thursday, May 16, 2013

School in a perfect world

What's school in a perfect world for me? For me currently I enjoy going to school and seeing my friends, but it's the work that really makes me want to leave school forever. I want to make something clear. I don't hate school, but I don't necessarily like school either.

For school to be fun, the classes would need to do more fun activities. I know sometimes the teachers definition of "fun" activities is way different from ours, but in my perfect school the teachers would understand that we don't really like homework or assignments in general. So we would do fun activities like hands on stuff. I think that would make the classes may more fun than they are currently.

I know how stressful it is for some of us to have a life outside of school and still keep up on our schoolwork/homework, I mean some of us have extracurricular stuff going on and once those finish we barely have time to do homework and have a social life. So in my perfect school there would be no homework. This way the teacher's don't have to take time out of their day to grade it. We don't have to stress out as much and we could get may more sleep. We could still do sports or other extracurricular stuff and have a social life. We would have more time on our hands to be able to get other stuff in our life done. 

Next, I would make virtual classes or like attendance available so that you could go to school in the comfort of your own house or room. Some days that would make school a lot more fun as well. With this virtual classes thing. You would be able to take the class in your house, you would have a live feed so you could see everything that's happening in the class. That way you could still participate in school, but also be able live your own life.

When lunch times rolls around , you are so hungry, or at least I am, and the school food is usually really gross! So in my perfect school the school lunches would consist of lots of options! But the food would be better for you, like actual food. So you know what your eating. And the food would be made my actual cooks. Instead of just milk for something to drink there would be an option of soda, or something like that.
That way I think more kids would enjoy going to school if we had better lunch options.

During class I often get hungry there too, so in class there would be like a snack bar for you to eat stuff from, so you don't get really really hungry during class.
You would also be able have everything that the teacher is presenting right in front of you like on a laptop that the school would provide for everyone. So you wouldn't have to strain your neck to see the board and if you had glasses it would be easier to see.

That would be my perfect school. Where school would actually be fun!
Tell me what you think of my perfect school in the comment section below!
See ya later!!

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