Thursday, April 11, 2013

Okay since i didn't post one yesterday I thought I would do 2 posts the first one wasn't very funny!
Okay this one is more of a cute one than a funny one, but it's still pretty funny....right??
What do you think of this one? cute or funny or both? comment your thoughts!!!
Hm I noticed something the other day while I was on my blog. That everything is online now. I mean we used to get everything off of newspapers and now it's all online and on websites or apps. We surf the web for entertainment when we used to go outside and play. I'm not like hating on those people because well I'm one of them, but honestly out society has become way more technology friendly then when i was a little kid......what do you think? to much technology or no we need more or just enough. Comment your thoughts!
See ya later!

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