If you could cure ONE disease what would it be?
Okay so that's my assignment.
I'm going to do mine on Leukemia.
1) It's a cancer that starts in your bone marrow, which is the soft, inner part of your bones.
2) Leukemic cells, if left on their own, can . . .
- engulf the bone marrow,
- enter and travel through the bloodstream, and
- attack your lymph nodes, spleen, liver and central nervous system such as the brain and spinal cord.
4) more men get diagnosed with leukemia than women.
5) leukemia is preventable. You just have to know what makes your immune system weak. Here are two things you might be guilty of but are not aware of: Too much sugar in your diet and spending a lot of time under the heat of the sun without any protection. Both can hurt your immune system.
The reason I did my disease on Leukemia is because my Nana was just recently diagnosed with it. It was really terrible to hear. To hear that she was dieing. My Nana and I have a special bond! So it was hard to think that possibly sometime soon she would leave me.
So if I could cure one disease it would be this one. So that my Nana could stay a part of my life longer.
If you want to know more information about Leukemia go to http://www.your-cancer-prevention-guide.com/facts-about-leukemia.html
See ya later!!
Thanks for sharing. That is an awful disease.